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[trustbloc] agent-sdk





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make all



hyper@ubuntu:/opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk$ make all
Running scripts/check_license.sh
Examining last commit changes
All files are excluded from having license headers
Running scripts/check_lint.sh
Linting top-level module...
Linting agent-rest module...
Linting agent-js-worker module...
Linting agent-mobile module...
Running scripts/check_unit.sh
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/auth/zcapld	0.143s	coverage: 85.5% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller	0.415s	coverage: 83.9% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/command	0.067s	coverage: 92.3% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/command/blindedrouting	0.161s	coverage: 95.5% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/command/didclient	1.925s	coverage: 93.1% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/command/mediatorclient	0.122s	coverage: 95.9% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/command/store	0.101s	coverage: 94.3% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/internal/cmdutil	0.061s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
?   	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/internal/logutil	[no test files]
?   	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/internal/mocks	[no test files]
?   	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/internal/mocks/protocol	[no test files]
?   	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/internal/msghandler	[no test files]
?   	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/internal/testutil	[no test files]
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/rest	0.056s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/rest/blindedrouting	0.077s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
?   	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/rest/didclient	[no test files]
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/controller/rest/mediatorclient	0.078s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/component/storage/edv v0.0.0-20210520055214-ae429bb89bf7
coverage: 50.0% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-mobile	0.136s
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-rest	0.067s	coverage: 77.8% of statements
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-rest/startcmd	3.827s	coverage: 90.5% of statements
GO111MODULE=off GOBIN=/opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/bin go get github.com/agnivade/wasmbrowsertest
Running scripts/check_unit_wasm.sh
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/component/storage/indexeddb v0.0.0-20210429205242-c5e97865879c
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/pkg/storage/jsindexeddbcache	5.903s	coverage: 64.2% of statements
go: downloading github.com/trustbloc/kms v0.1.7-0.20210527174658-019e1bcabd9c
ok  	github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker	1.294s	coverage: 13.8% of statements
Building aries-agent-rest
Building aries agent rest docker image
Sending build context to Docker daemon  59.08MB
Step 1/16 : ARG GO_VER
Step 2/16 : ARG ALPINE_VER
Step 3/16 : FROM golang:${GO_VER}-alpine${ALPINE_VER} as golang
 ---> baed0e68a17f
Step 4/16 : RUN apk add --no-cache 	gcc 	musl-dev 	git 	libtool 	bash 	make;
 ---> Running in 9b6958dbebfb
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
(1/24) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.2_p20200523-r0)
(2/24) Installing ncurses-libs (6.2_p20200523-r0)
(3/24) Installing readline (8.0.4-r0)
(4/24) Installing bash (5.0.17-r0)
Executing bash-5.0.17-r0.post-install
(5/24) Installing libgcc (9.3.0-r2)
(6/24) Installing libstdc++ (9.3.0-r2)
(7/24) Installing binutils (2.34-r2)
(8/24) Installing gmp (6.2.0-r0)
(9/24) Installing isl (0.18-r0)
(10/24) Installing libgomp (9.3.0-r2)
(11/24) Installing libatomic (9.3.0-r2)
(12/24) Installing libgphobos (9.3.0-r2)
(13/24) Installing mpfr4 (4.0.2-r4)
(14/24) Installing mpc1 (1.1.0-r1)
(15/24) Installing gcc (9.3.0-r2)
(16/24) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.41.0-r0)
(17/24) Installing libcurl (7.77.0-r0)
(18/24) Installing expat (2.2.9-r1)
(19/24) Installing pcre2 (10.35-r0)
(20/24) Installing git (2.26.3-r0)
(21/24) Installing libltdl (2.4.6-r7)
(22/24) Installing libtool (2.4.6-r7)
(23/24) Installing make (4.3-r0)
(24/24) Installing musl-dev (1.1.24-r10)
Executing busybox-1.31.1-r20.trigger
OK: 161 MiB in 39 packages
Removing intermediate container 9b6958dbebfb
 ---> 48516c88a727
Step 5/16 : ADD . $GOPATH/src/github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk
 ---> 652c020627d4
Step 6/16 : WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk
 ---> Running in 594624be1fc2
Removing intermediate container 594624be1fc2
 ---> b92248e373af
Step 7/16 : ENV EXECUTABLES go git
 ---> Running in 2c60fcc1c2bc
Removing intermediate container 2c60fcc1c2bc
 ---> 1574103f4ea8
Step 8/16 : FROM golang as aries-framework
 ---> 1574103f4ea8
Step 9/16 : ARG GO_TAGS
 ---> Running in 9d047e471366
Removing intermediate container 9d047e471366
 ---> dd135ab60028
Step 10/16 : ARG GOPROXY
 ---> Running in 653f011813d8
Removing intermediate container 653f011813d8
 ---> 2f2e6463e924
Step 11/16 : RUN GO_TAGS=${GO_TAGS} GOPROXY=${GOPROXY} make agent-rest
 ---> Running in a695547d8a11
Building aries-agent-rest
go: downloading github.com/spf13/cobra v1.1.3
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go v0.1.7-0.20210626010459-9f13e5323db9
go: downloading github.com/cenkalti/backoff v2.2.1+incompatible
go: downloading github.com/gorilla/mux v1.8.0
go: downloading github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.1.0
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go-ext/component/storage/couchdb v0.0.0-20210430213153-6c349de21198
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go-ext/component/storage/mysql v0.0.0-20210430213153-6c349de21198
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go-ext/component/vdr/orb v0.1.1
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/component/storage/leveldb v0.0.0-20210507165908-d8529097d7a0
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/component/storageutil v0.0.0-20210520055214-ae429bb89bf7
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/spi v0.0.0-20210520055214-ae429bb89bf7
go: downloading github.com/piprate/json-gold v0.4.0
go: downloading github.com/rs/cors v1.7.0
go: downloading github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5
go: downloading github.com/go-kivik/couchdb v2.0.0+incompatible
go: downloading github.com/go-kivik/kivik v2.0.0+incompatible
go: downloading github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.5.0
go: downloading github.com/go-kivik/kivik/v3 v3.2.3
go: downloading github.com/go-kivik/couchdb/v3 v3.2.6
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go-ext/component/vdr/sidetree v0.0.0-20210430213153-6c349de21198
go: downloading nhooyr.io/websocket v1.8.3
go: downloading github.com/google/uuid v1.2.0
go: downloading github.com/btcsuite/btcutil v1.0.2
go: downloading github.com/syndtr/goleveldb v1.0.0
go: downloading golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1
go: downloading github.com/bluele/gcache v0.0.2
go: downloading github.com/trustbloc/orb v0.0.0-20210410015721-45a365fa46a2
go: downloading github.com/trustbloc/sidetree-core-go v0.6.1-0.20210324191759-951b35003134
go: downloading github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema v1.2.0
go: downloading github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/component/storage/edv v0.0.0-20210520055214-ae429bb89bf7
go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.3.3
go: downloading github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.1
go: downloading github.com/google/tink/go v1.6.1-0.20210519071714-58be99b3c4d0
go: downloading github.com/square/go-jose v2.4.1+incompatible
go: downloading golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210322153248-0c34fe9e7dc2
go: downloading github.com/square/go-jose/v3 v3.0.0-20200630053402-0a67ce9b0693
go: downloading github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1
go: downloading github.com/btcsuite/btcd v0.21.0-beta
go: downloading github.com/jinzhu/copier v0.0.0-20190924061706-b57f9002281a
go: downloading github.com/multiformats/go-multibase v0.0.3
go: downloading github.com/multiformats/go-multihash v0.0.14
go: downloading github.com/klauspost/compress v1.10.0
go: downloading github.com/trustbloc/edge-core v0.1.7-0.20210527163745-994ae929f957
go: downloading github.com/pquerna/cachecontrol v0.0.0-20180517163645-1555304b9b35
go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210421230115-4e50805a0758
go: downloading github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.5.7
go: downloading github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonreference v0.0.0-20180127040603-bd5ef7bd5415
go: downloading google.golang.org/protobuf v1.26.0
go: downloading github.com/teserakt-io/golang-ed25519 v0.0.0-20210104091850-3888c087a4c8
go: downloading github.com/PaesslerAG/gval v1.1.0
go: downloading github.com/PaesslerAG/jsonpath v0.1.1
go: downloading github.com/kawamuray/jsonpath v0.0.0-20201211160320-7483bafabd7e
go: downloading github.com/tidwall/gjson v1.6.7
go: downloading github.com/tidwall/sjson v1.1.4
go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210420072515-93ed5bcd2bfe
go: downloading github.com/kilic/bls12-381 v0.0.0-20201104083100-a288617c07f1
go: downloading github.com/mr-tron/base58 v1.2.0
go: downloading github.com/multiformats/go-base32 v0.0.3
go: downloading github.com/multiformats/go-base36 v0.1.0
go: downloading github.com/minio/blake2b-simd v0.0.0-20160723061019-3f5f724cb5b1
go: downloading github.com/minio/sha256-simd v0.1.1
go: downloading github.com/multiformats/go-varint v0.0.6
go: downloading github.com/spaolacci/murmur3 v1.1.0
go: downloading github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.1
go: downloading github.com/cespare/xxhash v1.1.0
go: downloading github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1
go: downloading github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.1
go: downloading github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0
go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b
go: downloading github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonpointer v0.0.0-20190905194746-02993c407bfb
go: downloading github.com/tidwall/match v1.0.3
go: downloading github.com/tidwall/pretty v1.0.2
Removing intermediate container a695547d8a11
 ---> 3a4941711f9b
Step 12/16 : FROM alpine:${ALPINE_VER} as base
 ---> 13621d1b12d4
Step 13/16 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source https://github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk
 ---> Running in 67193c3a78fe
Removing intermediate container 67193c3a78fe
 ---> 765670e13b82
Step 14/16 : RUN apk add -U --no-cache ca-certificates
 ---> Running in 2d1ec14bcb1e
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
(1/1) Installing ca-certificates (20191127-r4)
Executing busybox-1.31.1-r20.trigger
Executing ca-certificates-20191127-r4.trigger
OK: 6 MiB in 15 packages
Removing intermediate container 2d1ec14bcb1e
 ---> e3a7570fd2ae
Step 15/16 : COPY --from=aries-framework /go/src/github.com/trustbloc/agent-sdk/build/bin/agent-rest /usr/local/bin
 ---> 05a6114cffd4
Step 16/16 : ENTRYPOINT ["agent-rest"]
 ---> Running in 11c2bef3c4f0
Removing intermediate container 11c2bef3c4f0
 ---> 03b607b5b8e9
Successfully built 03b607b5b8e9
Successfully tagged ghcr.io/trustbloc/agent-sdk-server:latest
Copying aries feature file...
npm WARN read-shrinkwrap This version of npm is compatible with lockfileVersion@1, but package-lock.json was generated for lockfileVersion@2. I'll try to do my best with it!

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 prepare /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> npm run build

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 build /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> rm -rf dist/* && cp -p ../../LICENSE . && npm run build:assets && npm run build:web && npm run build:rest && generate-export-aliases

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 build:assets /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> bash scripts/build_assets.sh

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 build:web /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> webpack --config ./webpack.config.web.js --mode=production

Executing pre-build scripts
(node:87359) DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead
Hash: 4d1de1e49a5423584712
Version: webpack 4.44.2
Time: 562ms
Built at: 07/02/2021 5:29:06 PM
   Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
agent.js  16.8 KiB       0  [emitted]  main
Entrypoint main = agent.js
[0] ./src/agent.js 53.7 KiB {0} [built]
[1] ./src/worker-loader-web.js 1.13 KiB {0} [built]

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 build:rest /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> webpack --config ./webpack.config.rest.js --mode=production

Executing pre-build scripts
(node:87391) DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead
Hash: 06b421ac4d67ed34d75a7b4920949078eb907932
Version: webpack 4.44.2
    Hash: 06b421ac4d67ed34d75a
    Time: 675ms
    Built at: 07/02/2021 5:29:08 PM
       Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
    agent.js  16.7 KiB       0  [emitted]  main
    Entrypoint main = agent.js
    [0] ./src/agent.js 53.7 KiB {0} [built]
    [1] ./src/worker-loader-rest.js 1.03 KiB {0} [built]
    Hash: 7b4920949078eb907932
    Time: 1001ms
    Built at: 07/02/2021 5:29:09 PM
                   Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
    agent-rest-client.js  24.3 KiB       0  [emitted]  main
    Entrypoint main = agent-rest-client.js
    [10] ./src/agent-rest-client.js 14.7 KiB {0} [built]
        + 27 hidden modules
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/watchpack-chokidar2/node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.3 (node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})

added 508 packages from 309 contributors and audited 513 packages in 22.715s

16 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 15 vulnerabilities (2 low, 9 moderate, 4 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 prepare /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> npm run build

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 build /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> rm -rf dist/* && cp -p ../../LICENSE . && npm run build:assets && npm run build:web && npm run build:rest && generate-export-aliases

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 build:assets /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> bash scripts/build_assets.sh

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 build:web /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> webpack --config ./webpack.config.web.js --mode=production

Executing pre-build scripts
(node:87550) DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead
Hash: 4d1de1e49a5423584712
Version: webpack 4.44.2
Time: 188ms
Built at: 07/02/2021 5:29:18 PM
   Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
agent.js  16.8 KiB       0  [emitted]  main
Entrypoint main = agent.js
[0] ./src/agent.js 53.7 KiB {0} [built]
[1] ./src/worker-loader-web.js 1.13 KiB {0} [built]

> @trustbloc/agent-sdk-web@0.1.0 build:rest /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
> webpack --config ./webpack.config.rest.js --mode=production

Executing pre-build scripts
(node:87575) DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead
Hash: 06b421ac4d67ed34d75a7b4920949078eb907932
Version: webpack 4.44.2
    Hash: 06b421ac4d67ed34d75a
    Time: 225ms
    Built at: 07/02/2021 5:29:19 PM
       Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
    agent.js  16.7 KiB       0  [emitted]  main
    Entrypoint main = agent.js
    [0] ./src/agent.js 53.7 KiB {0} [built]
    [1] ./src/worker-loader-rest.js 1.03 KiB {0} [built]
    Hash: 7b4920949078eb907932
    Time: 354ms
    Built at: 07/02/2021 5:29:19 PM
                   Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
    agent-rest-client.js  24.3 KiB       0  [emitted]  main
    Entrypoint main = agent-rest-client.js
    [10] ./src/agent-rest-client.js 14.7 KiB {0} [built]
        + 27 hidden modules
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.3 (node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/watchpack-chokidar2/node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})

audited 513 packages in 9.866s

16 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 15 vulnerabilities (2 low, 9 moderate, 4 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
/home/hyper/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.3/lib/node_modules/@trustbloc/agent-sdk-web -> /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
Cloning into './build/aries-framework-go'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 29177, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2841/2841), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1283/1283), done.
remote: Total 29177 (delta 1482), reused 2680 (delta 1424), pack-reused 26336
Receiving objects: 100% (29177/29177), 10.29 MiB | 6.01 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (17994/17994), done.
Note: switching to '8ef35c3583386077a413eefc6570040c4338b73b'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 8ef35c35 chore: add document resolution context to document loader (#2831)
make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/aries-framework-go'
Building sidetree-cli
go: downloading github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.3
make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/aries-framework-go'

> puppeteer@2.1.1 install /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/aries-framework-go/test/aries-js-worker/node_modules/puppeteer
> node install.js

Downloading Chromium r722234 - 121.1 Mb [====================] 100% 0.0s 
Chromium downloaded to /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/aries-framework-go/test/aries-js-worker/node_modules/puppeteer/.local-chromium/linux-722234
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.2 (node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.2: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})

added 275 packages from 686 contributors and audited 276 packages in 32.32s

19 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 10 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 4 high, 1 critical)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
/opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/aries-framework-go/test/aries-js-worker/node_modules/@trustbloc/agent-sdk-web -> /home/hyper/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.3/lib/node_modules/@trustbloc/agent-sdk-web -> /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/cmd/agent-js-worker
Removing network fixtures_default
WARNING: Network fixtures_default not found.
Building with native build. Learn about native build in Compose here: https://docs.docker.com/go/compose-native-build/
Creating network "fixtures_default" with the default driver
Pulling sidetree.aries.js.example.com (ghcr.io/trustbloc-cicd/sidetree-mock:0.1.6-snapshot-7e8cdbd)...
0.1.6-snapshot-7e8cdbd: Pulling from trustbloc-cicd/sidetree-mock
21c83c524219: Pull complete
e6d2038665f4: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:1da01f435291249bb77b212ae5e7e25621fcb46324c52a509618449106dbfcf7
Status: Downloaded newer image for ghcr.io/trustbloc-cicd/sidetree-mock:0.1.6-snapshot-7e8cdbd
Creating second.user.agent.aries.js.example.com ... done
Creating user.agent.aries.js.example.com        ... done
Creating sidetree.aries.js.example.com          ... done
Creating third.user.agent.aries.js.example.com  ... done
Creating router.agent.aries.js.example.com      ... done

> aries-js-worker-test@0.1.0 test /opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/aries-framework-go/test/aries-js-worker
> bash scripts/setup_assets.sh && node init.js && karma start


02 07 2021 17:30:13.188:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v5.2.3 server started at http://localhost:9876/
02 07 2021 17:30:13.190:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers ChromeHeadless_cors with concurrency unlimited
02 07 2021 17:30:13.194:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser ChromeHeadless
02 07 2021 17:30:13.556:INFO [Chrome Headless 87.0.4280.88 (Linux x86_64)]: Connected on socket UixRN0s6-ScO7tCiAAAA with id 7871112

  DID-Exchange between an Edge Agent and a router
    ✓ Router is running on ",ws://" with controller ""
    ✓ Edge Agent receives an invitation from the router via the controller API
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
    ✓ Edge Agent accepts the invitation from the router
    ✓ Edge Agent validates that the connection's state is 'completed'

  DID-Exchange between two Edge Agents using the router
    ✓ Router is running on ",ws://" with controller ""
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent receives an invitation from the router via the controller API
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent accepts the invitation from the router
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent validates that the connection's state is 'completed'
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent sets previous connection as the router
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent validates that the router connection is set previous connection
    ✓ Bob Edge Agent receives an invitation from the router via the controller API
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
    ✓ Bob Edge Agent accepts the invitation from the router
    ✓ Bob Edge Agent validates that the connection's state is 'completed'
    ✓ Bob Edge Agent sets previous connection as the router
    ✓ Bob Edge Agent validates that the router connection is set previous connection
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent receives an invitation from Bob Edge agent
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent accepts the invitation from the Bob
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent validates that the connection's state is 'completed'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'

  Registers multiple routers
    ✓ Router is running on ",ws://" with controller ""
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent receives invitations from the router via the controller API
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent accepts the invitation(first) from the router
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent accepts the invitation(second) from the router
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent registers connections
    ✓ Alice Edge Agent validates router`s connections

  Outofband - New connection after Alice sends an ouf-of-band invitation to Bob
      ✓ Alice constructs an out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
      ✓ Bob accepts the invitation and connects with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
      ✓ Alice constructs an out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Bob accepts the invitation and connects with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'

  Introduce - Alice has Carol's public out-of-band invitation
      ✓ Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_actions'
      ✓ Alice sends introduce proposal to the Bob with Carol out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
      ✓ Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Alice sends introduce proposal to the Bob with Carol out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'

  Introduce - Alice has Carol's public out-of-band invitation. The protocol starts with introduce request.
      ✓ Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Bob sends introduce request to the Alice asking about Carol
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Alice sends introduce proposal back to the requester with public out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
      ✓ Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Bob sends introduce request to the Alice asking about Carol
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Alice sends introduce proposal back to the requester with public out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'

  Introduce - Bob sends a response with approve and an out-of-band invitation.
      ✓ Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Alice sends introduce proposal to the Bob and Carol
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve and provides an out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
      ✓ Carol wants to know Bob and sends introduce response with approve
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Alice sends introduce proposal to the Bob and Carol
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve and provides an out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Carol wants to know Bob and sends introduce response with approve
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'

  Introduce - Bob sends a response with approve and an out-of-band invitation. The protocol starts with introduce request
      ✓ Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Bob sends introduce request to the Alice asking about Carol
      ✓ Alice sends introduce proposal back to the Bob and requested introduce
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve and provides an out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
      ✓ Carol wants to know Bob and sends introduce response with approve
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Bob sends introduce request to the Alice asking about Carol
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Alice sends introduce proposal back to the Bob and requested introduce
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
      ✓ Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve and provides an out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'introduce_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Carol wants to know Bob and sends introduce response with approve
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'

  Issue credential - The Holder begins with a request
      ✓ Holder requests credential from the Issuer
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
      ✓ Issuer accepts request and sends credential to the Holder
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
      ✓ Holder accepts credential
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
      ✓ Checks credential
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
      ✓ Holder requests credential from the Issuer
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
      ✓ Issuer accepts request and sends credential to the Holder
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
      ✓ Holder accepts credential
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'issue-credential_states'
      ✓ Checks credential
LOG LOG: Object{}

  JSON-LD Context API Test
      ✓ [rest] Alice imports extra JSON-LD contexts
LOG LOG: Object{}
      ✓ [wasm] Alice imports extra JSON-LD contexts

  KMS Test
      ✓ Alice create key set
      ✓ Alice import ed25519 key
      ✓ Alice import p256 key
      ✓ Alice create key set
      ✓ Alice import ed25519 key
      ✓ Alice import p256 key
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'

  Basic Messaging
    ✓ receiver registers basic message service
    ✓ receiver gets list of registered message services
    ✓ sender sends basic message to receiver
    ✓ sender sends basic message to receiver and await reply
    ✓ sender registers basic message service
    ✓ receiver replies to last received basic message
    ✓ receiver replies to last received basic message by starting new thread
    ✓ receiver replies to last received basic message and awaits response
    ✓ receiver replies to last received basic message and awaits response
    ✓ receiver loses connection from router
    ✓ sender sends several messages to receiver who is offline
    ✓ receiver reconnects with router and checks pending message status
    ✓ sender unregisters basic message service
    ✓ sender gets updated list of registered message services

  Outofband - New connection after Alice sends an ouf-of-band invitation to Bob
      ✓ Alice constructs an out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
      ✓ Bob accepts the invitation and connects with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
      ✓ Alice constructs an out-of-band invitation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'out-of-band_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
      ✓ Bob accepts the invitation and connects with Alice
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'

  Present Proof - The Verifier begins with a request presentation
      ✓ Verifier sends a request presentation to the Prover
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_actions'
      ✓ Prover accepts a request and sends a presentation to the Verifier
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier accepts a presentation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier checks presentation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier sends a request presentation to the Prover
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Prover accepts a request and sends a presentation to the Verifier
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier accepts a presentation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier checks presentation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'

  Present Proof - The Verifier begins with a request presentation (BBS+)
      ✓ Verifier sends a request presentation to the Prover
      ✓ Prover accepts a request and sends a presentation to the Verifier
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier accepts a presentation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier checks presentation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'didexchange_actions'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier sends a request presentation to the Prover
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Prover accepts a request and sends a presentation to the Verifier
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier accepts a presentation
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
LOG LOG: 'no subscribers found for this topic', 'present-proof_states'
      ✓ Verifier checks presentation

    ✓ Alice create peer did
    ✓ Alice stores the did generated by her
    ✓ Alice retrieves the did from store
    ✓ Alice validates that she has the did

  Verifiable Store Test
      ✓ [rest] Alice stores the verifiable credential received from the college
      ✓ [rest] Alice verifies that the verifiable credential stored with correct name
      ✓ [rest] Alice validates that she has only one verifiable credential
      ✓ [rest] Alice makes sure that the DID is resolvable
      ✓ [rest] Alice stores the did generated by her
      ✓ [rest] Alice generates the signed  verifiable credential to pass it to the employer
      ✓ [rest] Alice generates the signed  verifiable presentation to pass it to the employer
      ✓ [wasm] Alice stores the verifiable credential received from the college
      ✓ [wasm] Alice verifies that the verifiable credential stored with correct name
      ✓ [wasm] Alice validates that she has only one verifiable credential
      ✓ [wasm] Alice makes sure that the DID is resolvable
      ✓ [wasm] Alice stores the did generated by her
      ✓ [wasm] Alice generates the signed  verifiable credential to pass it to the employer
      ✓ [wasm] Alice generates the signed  verifiable presentation to pass it to the employer

Chrome Headless 87.0.4280.88 (Linux x86_64): Executed 128 of 128 SUCCESS (2 mins 3.409 secs / 33.211 secs)

Stopping router.agent.aries.js.example.com      ... done
Stopping sidetree.aries.js.example.com          ... done
Stopping user.agent.aries.js.example.com        ... done
Stopping third.user.agent.aries.js.example.com  ... done
Stopping second.user.agent.aries.js.example.com ... done
Copying aries feature file...
Cloning into './build/aries-framework-go'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 29177, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3110/3110), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1398/1398), done.
remote: Total 29177 (delta 1666), reused 2896 (delta 1573), pack-reused 26067
Receiving objects: 100% (29177/29177), 10.32 MiB | 7.31 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (18006/18006), done.
Note: switching to '8ef35c3583386077a413eefc6570040c4338b73b'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 8ef35c35 chore: add document resolution context to document loader (#2831)
make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/aries-framework-go'
Generating Aries-Framework-Go Test PKI
Signature ok
subject=/C=CA/ST=ON/O=Example Inc.:Aries-Framework-Go/OU=Aries-Framework-Go/CN=*.example.com
Getting CA Private Key
done generating Aries-Framework-Go PKI
Building sample webhook server docker image
Sending build context to Docker daemon  20.83MB
Step 1/14 : ARG GO_VER
Step 2/14 : ARG ALPINE_VER
Step 3/14 : FROM golang:${GO_VER}-alpine${ALPINE_VER} as golang
 ---> baed0e68a17f
Step 4/14 : RUN apk add --no-cache 	gcc 	musl-dev 	git 	libtool 	bash 	make;
 ---> Running in 70ee94841489
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
(1/24) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.2_p20200523-r0)
(2/24) Installing ncurses-libs (6.2_p20200523-r0)
(3/24) Installing readline (8.0.4-r0)
(4/24) Installing bash (5.0.17-r0)
Executing bash-5.0.17-r0.post-install
(5/24) Installing libgcc (9.3.0-r2)
(6/24) Installing libstdc++ (9.3.0-r2)
(7/24) Installing binutils (2.34-r2)
(8/24) Installing gmp (6.2.0-r0)
(9/24) Installing isl (0.18-r0)
(10/24) Installing libgomp (9.3.0-r2)
(11/24) Installing libatomic (9.3.0-r2)
(12/24) Installing libgphobos (9.3.0-r2)
(13/24) Installing mpfr4 (4.0.2-r4)
(14/24) Installing mpc1 (1.1.0-r1)
(15/24) Installing gcc (9.3.0-r2)
(16/24) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.41.0-r0)
(17/24) Installing libcurl (7.77.0-r0)
(18/24) Installing expat (2.2.9-r1)
(19/24) Installing pcre2 (10.35-r0)
(20/24) Installing git (2.26.3-r0)
(21/24) Installing libltdl (2.4.6-r7)
(22/24) Installing libtool (2.4.6-r7)
(23/24) Installing make (4.3-r0)
(24/24) Installing musl-dev (1.1.24-r10)
Executing busybox-1.31.1-r20.trigger
OK: 161 MiB in 39 packages
Removing intermediate container 70ee94841489
 ---> 307caee3d0a5
Step 5/14 : ADD . $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go
 ---> 6d6b63b26263
Step 6/14 : WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go
 ---> Running in 48a98f9f32aa
Removing intermediate container 48a98f9f32aa
 ---> a2a8cb74a6f0
Step 7/14 : ENV EXECUTABLES go git
 ---> Running in 8c11febc7807
Removing intermediate container 8c11febc7807
 ---> dc6ab552f8c2
Step 8/14 : FROM golang as aries-framework
 ---> dc6ab552f8c2
Step 9/14 : ARG GO_TAGS
 ---> Running in fc3954fdf835
Removing intermediate container fc3954fdf835
 ---> d082bb24c134
Step 10/14 : ARG GOPROXY
 ---> Running in a3331b9f6b34
Removing intermediate container a3331b9f6b34
 ---> 6c04a7de97c3
Step 11/14 : RUN GO_TAGS=${GO_TAGS} GOPROXY=${GOPROXY} make sample-webhook
 ---> Running in 1311ce5688c7
Building sample webhook server
go: downloading github.com/gorilla/mux v1.7.3
go: downloading github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/spi v0.0.0-20210520055214-ae429bb89bf7
go: downloading github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0
go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c
go: downloading github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1
go: downloading github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0
Removing intermediate container 1311ce5688c7
 ---> c4241cb689e4
Step 12/14 : FROM alpine:${ALPINE_VER} as base
 ---> 13621d1b12d4
Step 13/14 : COPY --from=aries-framework /go/src/github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/build/bin/webhook-server /usr/local/bin
 ---> 2bfcf7a86f8b
Step 14/14 : CMD WEBHOOK_PORT=${WEBHOOK_PORT} webhook-server
 ---> Running in a2cbbdf9954d
Removing intermediate container a2cbbdf9954d
 ---> 062fb8e13b71
Successfully built 062fb8e13b71
Successfully tagged aries-framework-go/sample-webhook:latest
Building sidetree-cli
make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/gopath/src/github.com/honeybee/agent-sdk/build/aries-framework-go'
go: downloading github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient v1.6.6
go: downloading github.com/phayes/freeport v0.0.0-20180830031419-95f893ade6f2
go: downloading github.com/docker/docker v20.10.0+incompatible
go: downloading github.com/containerd/containerd v1.4.3
go: downloading github.com/containerd/continuity v0.0.0-20201208142359-180525291bb7
go: downloading golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20201207232520-09787c993a3a
docker-compose up ... waiting for containers to start ...
*** testSleep=15
Feature: DIDComm between Edge Agent(without Inbound) and Router/Mediator

  Scenario: Decentralized Identifier(DID) between Edge Agent and Router/Mediator using Transport Return Route option [REST Binding] # features/aries_e2e_route_option.feature:33
    Given "Carl" agent is running with controller "https://localhost:10081" and "all" as the transport return route option          # agent_controller_steps.go:75 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl-Router" agent is running on "https://localhost:10091,wss://localhost:10092" with controller "https://localhost:10093" # agent_controller_steps.go:79 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Carl-Router" creates invitation through controller with label "carl-router-agent"                                         # didexchange_controller_steps.go:128 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" receives invitation from "Carl-Router" through controller                                                            # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl" approves exchange invitation through controller                                                                     # didexchange_controller_steps.go:331 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl-Router" approves exchange request through controller                                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:373 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl-Router" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                       # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl-Router" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"            # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                    # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:08 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Carl' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:08 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Carl-Router' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

Feature: DIDComm Transport between two Agents through DIDComm Routers [REST Binding]

  Scenario: Decentralized Identifier(DID) Exchange between two Edge Agents(without Inbound) through Routers                         # features/aries_mediator_e2e_controller.feature:13
    Given "Carl" agent is running with controller "https://localhost:10081" and "all" as the transport return route option          # agent_controller_steps.go:75 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl-Router" agent is running on "https://localhost:10091,wss://localhost:10092" with controller "https://localhost:10093" # agent_controller_steps.go:79 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Carl-Router" creates invitation through controller with label "carl-router-agent"                                         # didexchange_controller_steps.go:128 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" receives invitation from "Carl-Router" through controller                                                            # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl" approves exchange invitation through controller                                                                     # didexchange_controller_steps.go:331 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl-Router" approves exchange request through controller                                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:373 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl-Router,Carl" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl-Router,Carl" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"        # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" saves the connectionID to variable "carl-router-connID"                                                              # didexchange_controller_steps.go:325 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Carl-Router" creates invitation through controller with label "carl-second-router-agent"                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:128 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" receives invitation from "Carl-Router" through controller                                                            # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl" approves exchange invitation through controller                                                                     # didexchange_controller_steps.go:331 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl-Router" approves exchange request through controller                                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:373 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl-Router,Carl" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl-Router,Carl" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"        # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" saves the connectionID to variable "carl-second-router-connID"                                                       # didexchange_controller_steps.go:325 -> *ControllerSteps
    Given "Dave" agent is running with controller "https://localhost:10061" and "all" as the transport return route option          # agent_controller_steps.go:75 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave-Router" agent is running on "https://localhost:10071,wss://localhost:10072" with controller "https://localhost:10073" # agent_controller_steps.go:79 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Dave-Router" creates invitation through controller with label "Dave-router-agent"                                         # didexchange_controller_steps.go:128 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave" receives invitation from "Dave-Router" through controller                                                            # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Dave" approves exchange invitation through controller                                                                     # didexchange_controller_steps.go:331 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave-Router" approves exchange request through controller                                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:373 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Dave-Router,Dave" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave-Router,Dave" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"        # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave" saves the connectionID to variable "dave-router-connID"                                                              # didexchange_controller_steps.go:325 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Dave-Router" creates invitation through controller with label "Dave-second-router-agent"                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:128 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave" receives invitation from "Dave-Router" through controller                                                            # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Dave" approves exchange invitation through controller                                                                     # didexchange_controller_steps.go:331 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave-Router" approves exchange request through controller                                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:373 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Dave-Router,Dave" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave-Router,Dave" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"        # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave" saves the connectionID to variable "dave-second-router-connID"                                                       # didexchange_controller_steps.go:325 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/messaging] 2021/07/02 08:34:08 UTC - mediator.(*RESTSteps).UnregisterRoute -> INFO ignore unregister - router not registered
    Then "Carl" unregisters the router with connection "carl-router-connID,carl-second-router-connID"                               # mediator_controller_steps.go:66 -> *RESTSteps
    And "Carl" sets connection "carl-router-connID,carl-second-router-connID" as the router                                         # mediator_controller_steps.go:40 -> *RESTSteps
    And "Carl" verifies that the router connection is set to "carl-router-connID,carl-second-router-connID"                         # mediator_controller_steps.go:95 -> *RESTSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/messaging] 2021/07/02 08:34:10 UTC - mediator.(*RESTSteps).UnregisterRoute -> INFO ignore unregister - router not registered
    And "Dave" unregisters the router with connection "dave-router-connID,dave-second-router-connID"                                # mediator_controller_steps.go:66 -> *RESTSteps
    And "Dave" sets connection "dave-router-connID,dave-second-router-connID" as the router                                         # mediator_controller_steps.go:40 -> *RESTSteps
    And "Dave" verifies that the router connection is set to "dave-router-connID,dave-second-router-connID"                         # mediator_controller_steps.go:95 -> *RESTSteps
    When "Carl" creates invitation through controller with label "carl-agent" and router "carl-router-connID"                       # didexchange_controller_steps.go:132 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave" receives invitation from "Carl" through controller                                                                   # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Dave" approves exchange invitation with router "dave-router-connID" through controller                                    # didexchange_controller_steps.go:335 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" approves exchange request with router "carl-router-connID" through controller                                        # didexchange_controller_steps.go:378 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl,Dave" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                         # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl,Dave" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Carl" creates invitation through controller with label "carl-agent" and router "carl-second-router-connID"                # didexchange_controller_steps.go:132 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dave" receives invitation from "Carl" through controller                                                                   # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Dave" approves exchange invitation with router "dave-second-router-connID" through controller                             # didexchange_controller_steps.go:335 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl" approves exchange request with router "carl-second-router-connID" through controller                                 # didexchange_controller_steps.go:378 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Carl,Dave" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                         # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carl,Dave" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:12 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Carl' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:12 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Carl-Router' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:12 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Dave' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:12 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Dave-Router' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

Feature: DIDComm Transport between two Agents through DIDComm Routers [SDK]

Feature: Decentralized Identifier(DID) exchange between the agents using controller API

  Scenario: did exchange e2e flow using controller api                                                             # features/didexchange_e2e_controller.feature:13
    Given "Alice" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"             # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"                 # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Alice" creates invitation through controller with label "alice-agent"                                    # didexchange_controller_steps.go:128 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" receives invitation from "Alice" through controller                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" approves exchange invitation through controller                                                      # didexchange_controller_steps.go:331 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Alice" approves exchange request through controller                                                       # didexchange_controller_steps.go:373 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Alice" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                             # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Alice" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed" # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"    # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:13 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Alice' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:13 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Bob' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

Feature: Decentralized Identifier(DID) exchange between the agents using SDK

Feature: Decentralized Identifier(DID) exchange between the agents using public did in invitation

  Scenario: did exchange e2e flow using public DID in invitation                                                                                                                                # features/didexchange_public_did.feature:124
    Given "Filip" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree" # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree"   # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:13 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiCKlDBmssc2hj8-ponh_uPAMlzzcfU2jnvOtSyv0-o5jA', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    Then "Filip" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:13 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiCzOdiFuNvfByYQm6HxXaT0m4H3FlyMdtvazI84LOYLOg', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    And "Derek" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                                # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" creates invitation through controller using public DID and label "filip-agent"                                                                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:141 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" receives invitation from "Filip" through controller                                                                                                                             # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" approves exchange invitation with public DID through controller                                                                                                                 # didexchange_controller_steps.go:344 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" approves exchange request through controller                                                                                                                                    # didexchange_controller_steps.go:373 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                                                                                          # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                                                                                          # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Filip" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                                                                              # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:14 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Filip' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:14 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Derek' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: did exchange e2e flow using public DID in invitation                                                                                                                                # features/didexchange_public_did.feature:158
    Given "Filip" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree" # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree"   # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:14 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiDVC_bUEPOYuDsA6XJwHZFzPbD6VLYTzbPSnDuLxkI1Kg', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    Then "Filip" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:14 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiCP36tr6cY8AeTgT6QXEqQxtaJAWCMW4slGjstIHdztFQ', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    And "Derek" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                                # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" initiates connection through controller with "Filip" using public DID                                                                                                           # didexchange_controller_steps.go:149 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" approves exchange request with public DID through controller                                                                                                                    # didexchange_controller_steps.go:387 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                                                                                          # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                                                                                          # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Filip" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                                                                              # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:15 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Derek' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:15 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Filip' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: did exchange e2e flow using public DID in invitation                                                                                                                                # features/didexchange_public_did.feature:142
    Given "Filip" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree" # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree"   # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:15 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiAPGCQ8qzj0KTmWk_qBZoQ3CsxN5TtmTSIInVUxcw9IPQ', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    Then "Filip" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:16 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiABQwSxlXkir8OXbeQkqeA4iy-KS0vvTHHI9q6s1uRaTw', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    And "Derek" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                                # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" initiates connection through controller with "Filip" using peer DID                                                                                                             # didexchange_controller_steps.go:145 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" approves exchange request with public DID through controller                                                                                                                    # didexchange_controller_steps.go:387 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                                                                                          # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                                                                                          # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Filip" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                                                                              # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:16 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Filip' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:16 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Derek' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: did exchange e2e flow using public DID in invitation                                                                                                                                # features/didexchange_public_did.feature:104
    Given "Filip" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree" # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree"   # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:16 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiDsry0-ha95SxD69-FzevzgZh6MRb_JlsjXx5A2w53IGQ', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    Then "Filip" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:17 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiABFRIEF3CHLb5FzMuiXJbDHA1UmNDXPZWpT2sCTwPo3w', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    And "Derek" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                                # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" creates invitation through controller using public DID and label "filip-agent"                                                                                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:141 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" receives invitation from "Filip" through controller                                                                                                                             # didexchange_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" approves exchange invitation with public DID through controller                                                                                                                 # didexchange_controller_steps.go:344 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:17 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiCv7tQRnMIl5nLkUK56PZZo8R8iMAyqm2Kmh9zFFkXVdA', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    Then "Filip" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" approves exchange request with public DID through controller                                                                                                                    # didexchange_controller_steps.go:387 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Filip" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                                                                                          # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" waits for post state event "completed" to web notifier                                                                                                                          # didexchange_controller_steps.go:455 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Filip" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                                                                              # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Derek" retrieves connection record through controller and validates that connection state is "completed"                                                                               # didexchange_controller_steps.go:466 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:18 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Filip' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

Feature: resolve did doc against sidetree using aries http binding did resolver

Feature: Introduce protocol

Feature: Introduce using controller API
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:18 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Derek' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: Jacob has a Carol's public out-of-band invitation. The protocol starts with introduce request.               # features/introduce_controller.feature:23
    Given "Jacob" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"                   # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Emma" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"                      # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carol" agent is running on "localhost" port "11011" with controller "https://localhost:11012"                   # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Emma,Carol" has established connection with "Jacob" through the controller                                     # introduce_controller_steps.go:238 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Emma" sends introduce request to the "Jacob" asking about "Carol" through the controller                        # introduce_controller_steps.go:248 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Jacob" sends introduce proposal back to the requester with public out-of-band invitation through the controller # introduce_controller_steps.go:197 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Emma" wants to know "Carol" and sends introduce response with approve through the controller                   # introduce_controller_steps.go:319 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Emma" has did exchange connection with "Carol" through the controller                                           # introduce_controller_steps.go:381 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:18 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Jacob' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:18 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Emma' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:18 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Carol' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: Mason sends a response with approve and an out-of-band invitation. The protocol starts with introduce request                      # features/introduce_controller.feature:45
    Given "Mason" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"                                         # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Sophia" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"                                          # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Alice" agent is running on "localhost" port "11011" with controller "https://localhost:11012"                                         # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Mason,Sophia" has established connection with "Alice" through the controller                                                         # introduce_controller_steps.go:238 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Mason" sends introduce request to the "Alice" asking about "Sophia" through the controller                                           # introduce_controller_steps.go:248 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Alice" sends introduce proposal back to the "Mason" and requested introduce through the controller                                    # introduce_controller_steps.go:78 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Mason" wants to know "Sophia" and sends introduce response with approve and provides an out-of-band invitation through the controller # introduce_controller_steps.go:118 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Sophia" wants to know "Mason" and sends introduce response with approve through the controller                                        # introduce_controller_steps.go:319 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Sophia" has did exchange connection with "Mason" through the controller                                                              # introduce_controller_steps.go:381 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Mason' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Sophia' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Alice' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: William sends a response with approve and an out-of-band invitation.                                                                 # features/introduce_controller.feature:34
    Given "William" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"                                         # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Olivia" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"                                            # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Alice" agent is running on "localhost" port "11011" with controller "https://localhost:11012"                                           # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "William,Olivia" has established connection with "Alice" through the controller                                                         # introduce_controller_steps.go:238 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Alice" sends introduce proposal to the "William" and "Olivia" through the controller                                                   # introduce_controller_steps.go:160 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "William" wants to know "Olivia" and sends introduce response with approve and provides an out-of-band invitation through the controller # introduce_controller_steps.go:118 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Olivia" wants to know "William" and sends introduce response with approve through the controller                                        # introduce_controller_steps.go:319 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Olivia" has did exchange connection with "William" through the controller                                                              # introduce_controller_steps.go:381 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Olivia' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Alice' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'William' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: Alice has Carol's public out-of-band invitation                                                      # features/introduce_controller.feature:13
    Given "Alice" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"           # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"               # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carol" agent is running on "localhost" port "11011" with controller "https://localhost:11012"           # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Bob,Carol" has established connection with "Alice" through the controller                              # introduce_controller_steps.go:238 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Alice" sends introduce proposal to the "Bob" with "Carol" out-of-band invitation through the controller # introduce_controller_steps.go:271 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Bob" wants to know "Carol" and sends introduce response with approve through the controller            # introduce_controller_steps.go:319 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Bob" has did exchange connection with "Carol" through the controller                                   # introduce_controller_steps.go:381 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Carol' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Alice' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Bob' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

Feature: Issue credential protocol

Feature: Issue Credential using controller API

  Scenario: The Issuer begins with an offer                                                                 # features/issue_credential_controller.feature:24
    Given "Citizen" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"    # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Government" agent is running on "localhost" port "11011" with controller "https://localhost:11012" # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Citizen" has established connection with "Government" through IssueCredential controller           # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:102 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Government" sends an offer to the "Citizen" through IssueCredential controller                    # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:163 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Citizen" accepts an offer and sends a request to the Issuer through IssueCredential controller     # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:247 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Government" accepts request and sends credential to the Holder through IssueCredential controller  # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:266 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Citizen" accepts credential with name "passport" through IssueCredential controller                # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:286 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Citizen" checks that issued credential is being stored under "passport" name                      # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:309 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:19 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Citizen' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: The Holder begins with a proposal (negotiation)                                                          # features/issue_credential_controller.feature:49
    Given "Graduate" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"            # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Stanford University" agent is running on "localhost" port "11011" with controller "https://localhost:11012" # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Graduate" has established connection with "Stanford University" through IssueCredential controller          # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:102 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Graduate" sends proposal credential to the "Stanford University" through IssueCredential controller        # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:189 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Stanford University" accepts a proposal and sends an offer to the Holder through IssueCredential controller # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:215 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Graduate" does not like the offer and sends a new proposal to the Issuer through IssueCredential controller # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:231 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Stanford University" accepts a proposal and sends an offer to the Holder through IssueCredential controller # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:215 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Graduate" accepts an offer and sends a request to the Issuer through IssueCredential controller             # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:247 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Stanford University" accepts request and sends credential to the Holder through IssueCredential controller  # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:266 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Graduate" accepts credential with name "bachelors degree" through IssueCredential controller                # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:286 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Graduate" checks that issued credential is being stored under "bachelors degree" name                      # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:309 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:20 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Stanford University' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: The Holder begins with a proposal                                                               # features/issue_credential_controller.feature:36
    Given "Student" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"    # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "University" agent is running on "localhost" port "11011" with controller "https://localhost:11012" # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Student" has established connection with "University" through IssueCredential controller           # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:102 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Student" sends proposal credential to the "University" through IssueCredential controller         # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:189 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "University" accepts a proposal and sends an offer to the Holder through IssueCredential controller # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:215 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Student" accepts an offer and sends a request to the Issuer through IssueCredential controller     # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:247 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "University" accepts request and sends credential to the Holder through IssueCredential controller  # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:266 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Student" accepts credential with name "degree" through IssueCredential controller                  # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:286 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Student" checks that issued credential is being stored under "degree" name                        # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:309 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:20 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Student' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:20 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'University' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: The Holder begins with a request                                                                 # features/issue_credential_controller.feature:13
    Given "Driver" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"      # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Institution" agent is running on "localhost" port "11011" with controller "https://localhost:11012" # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Driver" has established connection with "Institution" through IssueCredential controller            # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:102 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Driver" requests credential from "Institution" through IssueCredential controller                  # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:137 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Institution" accepts request and sends credential to the Holder through IssueCredential controller  # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:266 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Driver" accepts credential with name "license" through IssueCredential controller                   # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:286 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Driver" checks that issued credential is being stored under "license" name                         # issuecredential_controller_steps.go:309 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:20 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).Destroy -> WARNING failed to close websocket connection for [Institution] : failed to close WebSocket: received unknown opcode opcode(12)

Feature: Messaging between the agents using REST/controller binding

  Scenario: sending message from one agent to another using message service controller through "Basic Message Protocol 1.0" # features/messaging_e2e_controller.feature:30
    Given "Baha" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"                       # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Baha" registers a message service through controller with name "basic-message" for basic message type              # messaging_controller_steps.go:326 -> *ControllerSteps
    Given "Tal" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"                        # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Baha" has established connection with "Tal" through did exchange using controller                                  # didexchange_controller_steps.go:663 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Tal" saves the connectionID to variable "Tal"                                                                      # didexchange_controller_steps.go:325 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Tal" sends basic message "Your hovercraft is full of eels." through controller to "Baha"                          # messaging_controller_steps.go:359 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Baha" receives basic message "Your hovercraft is full of eels." for topic "basic-message" from "Tal"              # messaging_controller_steps.go:433 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:20 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Baha' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:20 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Tal' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: sending message from one agent to another using message service                                                                                                         # features/messaging_e2e_controller.feature:13
    Given "Baha" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with webhook "http://localhost:8083" and controller "https://localhost:8082"                                           # agent_controller_steps.go:152 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Baha" registers a message service through controller with name "generic-invite" for type "https://didcomm.org/generic/1.0/message" and purpose "meeting,appointment,event" # messaging_controller_steps.go:63 -> *ControllerSteps
    Given "Tal" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with webhook "http://localhost:9083" and controller "https://localhost:9082"                                            # agent_controller_steps.go:152 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Tal" registers a message service through controller with name "generic-invite-response" for type "https://didcomm.org/generic/1.0/message" and purpose "invite-response"   # messaging_controller_steps.go:63 -> *ControllerSteps
    Given "Baha" has established connection with "Tal" through did exchange using controller                                                                                        # didexchange_controller_steps.go:663 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Tal" saves the connectionID to variable "Tal"                                                                                                                              # didexchange_controller_steps.go:325 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Tal" sends meeting invite message "Hey, meet me today at 4PM" through controller with type "https://didcomm.org/generic/1.0/message" and purpose "meeting" to "Baha"      # messaging_controller_steps.go:330 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Baha" receives invite message "Hey, meet me today at 4PM" with type "https://didcomm.org/generic/1.0/message" to webhook for topic "generic-invite" from "Tal"            # messaging_controller_steps.go:391 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Baha" replies to "Tal" with message "Sure, see you there !!" through controller with type "https://didcomm.org/generic/1.0/message" and purpose "invite-response"         # messaging_controller_steps.go:342 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Tal" receives invite message "Sure, see you there !!" with type "https://didcomm.org/generic/1.0/message" to webhook for topic "generic-invite-response" from "Baha"      # messaging_controller_steps.go:391 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:21 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Baha' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:21 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Tal' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: sending out of band message from one agent to another using message service controller through "Basic Message Protocol 1.0"                                                        # features/messaging_e2e_controller.feature:42
    Given "Baha" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree" # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Baha" registers a message service through controller with name "basic-message" for basic message type                                                                                 # messaging_controller_steps.go:326 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/didexchange-tests] 2021/07/02 08:34:21 UTC - didexchange.(*ControllerSteps).waitForPublicDID -> WARNING Failed to resolve public DID, due to error [failed to get successful response from 'http://localhost:48326/sidetree/v1//identifiers/did:sidetree:test:EiA6-91Jtkjmwr4r7E3nNxPZ14GL0Wp8NI8HqdtGQqSozA', unexpected status code [404], and message [document not found]] will retry
    And "Baha" creates "sidetree" public DID through controller                                                                                                                                # didexchange_controller_steps.go:553 -> *ControllerSteps
    Given "Tal" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082" with http-binding did resolver url "${SIDETREE_URL}" which accepts did method "sidetree"  # agent_controller_steps.go:60 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Tal" sends out of band basic message "Your hovercraft is full of eels, careful !!" through controller to "Baha"                                                                      # messaging_controller_steps.go:375 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Baha" receives basic message "Your hovercraft is full of eels, careful !!" for topic "basic-message" from "Tal"                                                                      # messaging_controller_steps.go:433 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:21 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Baha' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

Feature: Messaging between the agents using SDK

Feature: Out-Of-Band protocol (REST API)
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:21 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Tal' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

    Given "Alice" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082" # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"     # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps

  Scenario: New connection after Alice sends an ouf-of-band invitation to Bob                          # features/outofband_controller.feature:19
    Given "Alice" constructs an out-of-band invitation (controller)                                    # outofband_controller_steps.go:136 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Alice" sends the invitation to "Bob" through an out-of-band channel (controller)             # outofband_controller_steps.go:125 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" accepts the invitation and connects with "Alice" (controller)                            # outofband_controller_steps.go:81 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Alice" and "Bob" have a connection (controller)                                              # outofband_controller_steps.go:70 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:21 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Alice' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:21 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Bob' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

Feature: Out-Of-Band protocol (Go API)

Feature: Present Proof protocol

Feature: Present Proof using controller API

  Scenario: The Verifier begins with a presentation request (BBS+)                                               # features/presentproof_controller.feature:25
    Given "Jennifer" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"        # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Julia" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"             # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Jennifer" has established connection with "Julia" through PresentProof controller                       # presentproof_controller_steps.go:82 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Jennifer" sends "request_presentation_bbs.json" to "Julia" through PresentProof controller             # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Julia" sends "presentation_bbs.json" to "Jennifer" through PresentProof controller                     # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Jennifer" successfully accepts a presentation with "bbs-passport" name through PresentProof controller # presentproof_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Jennifer" checks that presentation is being stored under the "bbs-passport" name                        # presentproof_controller_steps.go:315 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:52 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Julia' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: The Prover begins with a presentation proposal (negotiation)                                  # features/presentproof_controller.feature:48
    Given "Peggy" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"    # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Victor" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"     # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Peggy" has established connection with "Victor" through PresentProof controller                  # presentproof_controller_steps.go:82 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Peggy" sends a propose presentation to "Victor" through PresentProof controller                 # presentproof_controller_steps.go:259 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Victor" sends "request_presentation_default.json" to "Peggy" through PresentProof controller     # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Peggy" negotiates about the request presentation with a proposal through PresentProof controller # presentproof_controller_steps.go:272 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Victor" sends "request_presentation_default.json" to "Peggy" through PresentProof controller     # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Peggy" sends "presentation_default.json" to "Victor" through PresentProof controller             # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Victor" successfully accepts a presentation with "license" name through PresentProof controller # presentproof_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Victor" checks that presentation is being stored under the "license" name                        # presentproof_controller_steps.go:315 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:52 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Peggy' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:34:52 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Victor' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: The Verifier begins with a presentation request (multiple attachments)                                  # features/presentproof_controller.feature:62
    Given "Johnny" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"             # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Julia" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"                # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Johnny" has established connection with "Julia" through PresentProof controller                            # presentproof_controller_steps.go:82 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Johnny" sends "request_presentation_multiple_attachments.json" to "Julia" through PresentProof controller # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Julia" sends "presentation_multiple_attachments.json" to "Johnny" through PresentProof controller         # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Johnny" successfully accepts a presentation with "custom-vp" name through PresentProof controller         # presentproof_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Johnny" checks that presentation is being stored under the "custom-vp" name                                # presentproof_controller_steps.go:315 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:35:22 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Johnny' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:35:22 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Julia' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: The Verifier begins with a presentation request                                               # features/presentproof_controller.feature:13
    Given "Alice" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082"    # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"        # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Alice" has established connection with "Bob" through PresentProof controller                     # presentproof_controller_steps.go:82 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Alice" sends "request_presentation_default.json" to "Bob" through PresentProof controller       # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Bob" sends "presentation_default.json" to "Alice" through PresentProof controller                # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Alice" successfully accepts a presentation with "passport" name through PresentProof controller # presentproof_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Alice" checks that presentation is being stored under the "passport" name                        # presentproof_controller_steps.go:315 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:35:52 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Alice' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:35:52 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Bob' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

  Scenario: The Prover begins with a presentation proposal                                             # features/presentproof_controller.feature:36
    Given "Carol" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082" # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dan" agent is running on "localhost" port "9081" with controller "https://localhost:9082"     # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carol" has established connection with "Dan" through PresentProof controller                  # presentproof_controller_steps.go:82 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Carol" sends a propose presentation to "Dan" through PresentProof controller                 # presentproof_controller_steps.go:259 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dan" sends "request_presentation_default.json" to "Carol" through PresentProof controller     # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Carol" sends "presentation_default.json" to "Dan" through PresentProof controller             # presentproof_controller_steps.go:144 -> *ControllerSteps
    Then "Dan" successfully accepts a presentation with "degree" name through PresentProof controller  # presentproof_controller_steps.go:288 -> *ControllerSteps
    And "Dan" checks that presentation is being stored under the "degree" name                         # presentproof_controller_steps.go:315 -> *ControllerSteps
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:35:53 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).Destroy -> WARNING failed to close websocket connection for [Carol] : failed to close WebSocket: received unknown opcode opcode(12)
 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:35:53 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Dan' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"

Feature: RFC0593: JSON-LD Credential Attachment format for requesting and issuing credentials

Feature: RFC0593 (REST API): JSON-LD Credential Attachment format for requesting and issuing credentials

Feature: VDR operation using controller API

  Scenario: create did using controller api                                                            # features/vdr_e2e_controller.feature:12
    Given "Alice" agent is running on "localhost" port "8081" with controller "https://localhost:8082" # agent_controller_steps.go:169 -> *ControllerSteps
    When "Alice" creates "peer" did through controller                                                 # vdr_controller_steps.go:53 -> *ControllerSteps

 [aries-framework/tests/context] 2021/07/02 08:35:53 UTC - context.(*BDDContext).RegisterWebSocketConn.func1 -> ERROR failed to get topics for agent 'Alice' : failed to read JSON message: failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusNormalClosure and reason = "bddtests destroy context"
Feature: Issue Verifiable Credential

25 scenarios (25 passed)
252 steps (252 passed)

Randomized with seed: 1625214804063053280
testing: warning: no tests to run
coverage: [no statements]
ok  	github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/test/bdd	157.736s	coverage: [no statements] [no tests to run]

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