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[ubuntu] vscode 실행이 안됨.

vm웨어를 리부트하고, vscode를 실행했더니, 아예 반응조차 하지 않는 이슈가 생겼었다.

다른 앱들도 실행했을때, 되지 않았는데 우여곡절끝에 아래의 명령어를 실행하고 햇더니, 정상 동작했다.







If all images and software aren't loading in the software app delete the ubuntu-reviews.db file at ~/.local/share/gnome-software/ubuntu-reviews.db. It will be recreated automatically the next time you open Ubuntu Software (the Software app).


Open the terminal and type:killall gnome-software mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gnome-software/ cd ~/.local/share/gnome-software/ mv ubuntu-reviews.db ubuntu-reviews.db.bak


# skip if ubuntu-reviews.db doesn't exist

Then reopen the Software app.

If it still doesn't work you could try reinstalling the Software app.

sudo apt update

sudo apt purge gnome-software

sudo apt install gnome-software